Google SAML IdP
Setting up Google as a SAML IdP
View the dedicated Google instructions
Service provider details
Application Name
Can be anything
Can be anything
You can find the ACS URL in the popup after creating an IdP in Bronto, or by clicking on the IdP in the IdPs list, on the SSO page.
Entity ID
Use the Entity ID found in the popup after creating an IdP in Bronto, or by clicking on the IdP in the IdPs list, on the SSO page.
Start URL
Use the Start URL found in the popup after creating an IdP in Bronto, or by clicking on the IdP in the IdPs list, on the SSO page.
Signed Reponse
Leave unchecked
Name ID
Select Basic Information and Primary Email
Attribute mapping
Bronto requires a First name, Last name and Primary Email attributes from Basic Information. These can map to any fields, as long as you match the names used when configuring IdP in Bronto.
If you wish to use role mapping, you must also configure attribute mapping from group membership to the attribute mapped to custom:member_of.